Gaming Art | Sound

The final step was adding sound to the game. I found a very good video that implements an Audio Manager which controls almost all sounds with just one object and it is very handy. [Video here].

This way I didn't need to create an Audio source or Audio clips as components or variables everywhere. For the rest of sounds that don't need coding, aka the are played on awake when they're instantiated like the laser shots,  I added an Audio Source like normal.

I specially love the "Game over" sound and the "Level completed" sound ;)

I had a problem at some point when I wanted to play a clip inside the Update(), because it would restart playing over and over again, like stuck. These were mainly for sounds that I wanted to appear with Panels, so at the end I added an Audio Source to the Panel and it works fine.

This part was a lot of fun! Sound definitely makes the gaming experience better.

Useful links (where I found the music and SFX):


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