BSA227 - Update | Filming + Model + Problems with Mudbox


We booked a day to film in the Otepuni gardens. The paperwork for the permission was a bit difficult to do but I was glad that it worked out and we did not have to pay any fees like we thought. The filming went good, we had some trouble at first with the camera settings but Rebekka could manage. Unfortunately, we did not have enough time to film everything we wanted, we still have to shoot the scene with the can and the Arl leaving.


For the past weeks I've been modelling Arl and has taken more time than I thought. I also added materials, I changed the colour palette slightly adding copper accents.

I was very "worried" about the head, that's why I left last but it wasn't that bad! I had to start again twice but it was worth it because now I have a better understanding of head topology. I highly recommend having references open, I was comparing and analyzing them all the time. The fact that there's no nose also helped.

The overall texturing was easy and pretty standard but the head was a nightmare. i painted the head and sculpted the bumps and added texture to the skin and after that I could not export the displacement map correctly. It could not be the UV unwrapping because the colour map is perfect, so I don't know. I made 100 tests with settings and Photoshop edits and nothing worked. BUT in the end the tutor helped me a lot with the following settings for the Displacement export:

- Raycasting
- Bits per channel change to 32-bit FP
- Save file type as TIFF 32 bit floating point

It still had weird edges around the eyes and mouth but it was easier to fix in Photoshop and voila, it finally worked!

Before exporting in Mudbox:

After exporting:

And the final result in Maya


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