Gaming Art - Week 3 | Concepts: backgrounds, asteroids, collectables + New level design

So this week I spent making concept art for the proposal. First I want to draw and paint the assets and then I'll start modelling stuff.

New level design

So I decided that I don't want to make my game endless and therefore random generated anymore. I will refine this a little bit more for the proposal so it's more clear what's happening but this would be the level. At the end there is a boss and then you get to the satellite.

This is going to be way easier to program and this way my story makes sense as well, since the astronaut has a mission and a goal.


My game is going to have 3 different backgrounds, they are gonna be set randomly each time the player starts the game (or for every level, which I won't have because we are only doing one).
I had sooo much fun painting these, galaxies are SO EASY to paint and the results always look awesome and like they took ages to do (not true).

Here are my references:

Asteroids and collectables

And these are some concepts for the collectables and asteroids. The asteroids is the first concept I paint in a more "low poly" style. I haven't with the rest because I'm not that confident with that style yet and I wanted to have a clear idea in my head first of what the items look like.

I'm not sure what colour the asteroids are going to be yet, that's why I have different options below. 
Here are some references for the asteroids:


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